Friday, December 9, 2011

Part 3 Kroger's Truly Awesome Homestyle Chocolate Chip Cookies-Still Yummy!

Well, just as an update... I am still a fan of Kroger's Truly Awesome Homestyle Chocolate Chip Cookies! I have bought them twice since this campaign started. Both of the store bought packages were just as tasty as the free ones that came in the mail! Something else that came as a surprise is that I feel more confident in buying Kroger's other food items in the same line. Maybe they were hoping it would happen that way? :-) As an example, I was shopping at Kroger last week and needed macaroni and cheese; because my two girls NEED mac & cheese! Nothing was really on sale, so I took a look at Kroger's brand. They actually have two different kinds- their regular "Kroger" brand and their "Kroger's The Truly Awesome Macaroni and Cheese dinner." Out of the two I tried the Truly Awesome one; my 13-year-old said "it was yummy". I was trying to save money that is why I went with the "generic" brand, but really I would have sucked it up and bought the name brand instead. Since I was part of this BzzAgent campaign I decided it would be safe to try it and there was a pretty good chance it would taste good! I'm a BzzAgent!

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