Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Today is Halloween and I am about to get my kids ready to go trick-or-treating.  Usually we decorate shirts, go to the pumkin patch, carve and paint pumpkins etc...  But for some reason, this year we have been out of sorts.  I'm not sure why.  The only thing we have accomplished that is part of our tradition is that we went to Howl-o-Scream at Busch Gardens, like we do every year, but without our matching shirts.  Also, as a bonus, I won a couple of passes to Kings Dominion's The Haunt (which I took my kids to.)

Now, when I say that we went to these scary functions at the amusement parks we left before it got dark and before the scary stuff actually happened.  Even my 14 year old isn't in to being terrified in the haunted houses.  If I had to judge which park was scarier without ever having participated with the actual events, I would have to say King's Dominion by far.  They have things set up throughout the park that seem just more scary without the added 'monsters.'  But, they also have much better stuff during the day for kids like a treasure hunt.

Anyway, here we are at Halloween, with temperatures that are 20 degrees colder than the last several years, sadly.  So, it is all about the layers tonight.  I bought my son thermal underwear to wear under his costume because he can't wear tights like my daughter.  I am hoping the promise of candy will make them happy enough to not complain about being cold.  Last year we got some loose nuts.  I wonder if we will get more of those?

I recently learned about a program called Treats 4 Our Troops and am considering donating some of our ample candy load, being ex-Navy and living in a military area makes me feel like it is a good thing to teach my kids about. 

Have a safe and Happy Halloween!  And to all those in the north that have been affected by Hurricane Sandy stay safe and warm and I hope you are able to celebrate in a way that is special to your family.

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