Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Disney's Wreck-It Ralph Pre-Screening

I was lucky enough to get pre-screening passes to see Disney's Wreck-It Ralph last week from my local Fox television station.  My family (me, my husband, my 14 year old daughter, my 7 year old son, and my 4 year old daughter) all wanted to see this movie.  In fact, I feel as though it was made for my son who talks almost non-stop about video games.  He gets very wrapped up in the story lines, characters, and levels; plus he comes up with countless ideas for his own games.

What a wonderful way to surprise them all!  Pre-screeings are a regular occurrence for my area, usually they are only a couple of days before the movie actually starts, so I was really surprised that this was almost two weeks ahead of time.  If you ever have the opportunity to attend one of these events make sure to arrive early because seating is not guaranteed and they hand out more passes than seats to ensure the theater is full.

This is a movie about a 'bad guy' Ralph that gets in a rut and is tired of being excluded.  He decides to leave his game via Game Central Station to try and get a medal so he will no longer be excluded by the others in the Fix It Felix Jr. video game.  On the way he meets some interesting characters and true friends, but he has to hurry, if he doesn't make it back in time the plug will be pulled on his game.

Now, to tell you what we thought about the movie...  My 4 year old daughter loved it and every part with cars was her favorite, plus her favorite character was Vanellope, played by Sarah Silverman.  My son's favorite part was when Ralph helped Vanellope make her car, no surprise his favorite character is Ralph, played by John C. Reilly.  My 14 year old daughter refuses to pick favorites, which I told her is funny because it isn't like they will know.  My favorite part is the revelation of the true bad guy (which I didn't see coming) I have decided to not have any real spoilers in this post, so anyone can read it.  My husband liked the fact that Qbert was included because he misses that game.
I definitely say this is a must see for the whole family.  We have a large age range in our family and every single one of us enjoyed it.  Oh, and we did see it in 3D, but I believe the story line is strong enough to carry it no matter what.  Plus it has a great moral that is valuable.  

All thoughts and opinions are mine and my families, we were not compensated in any way for this post. 
Wreck-It Ralph Poster

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